Thursday. 24.10.2024

Legal information

Legal information

Contact Details

GAN Global Apprenticeship Network
71 Avenue Louis-Casaï 
1216 Cointrin, Geneva


Telephone: +41 22 929 00 11



Terms and Conditions of Use

Disclaimer of liability

All information on this website is supplied without liability in respect of accuracy, exactness, up-to-dateness, reliability, or completeness. The authors assume no liability for potential damage, both material and immaterial, that may ensue from accessing, using or misusing any information provided, or from technical malfunctions. All offers and descriptions of programmes are non-committal. The authors expressly reserve their right to amend, expand, or delete contents, in whole or in part, and to stop publications temporarily or permanently without prior notice.

Liability for links

We do not accept any liability in respect of references and links to websites of third parties, and we decline any responsibility for such websites. Access to and use of such sites is at the user’s own risk.


All contents, such as texts, images, photographs, or any other data on this website are the exclusive property of the GAN Global Apprenticeships Network or of other copyright holders as indicated. No element of this website may be reproduced without prior permission of the relevant copyright holder.