Why 'perpetual learning' will help you thrive in the changing world of work

The concept of skilling, reskilling and lifelong learning is not new. What is new is that the pace of disruption is faster than ever. Tae Yoo unpacks the need for Lifelong learning

The world is changing. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here - and it is having an impact on everything, including the future of work. A significant evolution of the labour market is forecast over the next 10 years, and we do not yet fully know all the jobs of the future.

Given the hyper-transformation of technology, business models and work, it is important to understand and anticipate what this means for youth, society, businesses and government, so that everyone has an opportunity to participate in the digital economy. Now more than ever, we need to invest in a new paradigm in the way we acquire the skills needed for jobs – a model that allows for perpetual, renewable skills development.

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Author: Tae Yoo, Senior Vice-President, Corporate Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility, Cisco